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by Vedek Tabor
17 Nov 2020, 13:14
Forum: Council Floor
Topic: Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 7
Views: 3912

Re: Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

Without objection, the author's amendments have been incorporated into the bill. 48 hours remain for debate and the consideration of amendments.
by Vedek Tabor
14 Nov 2020, 19:43
Forum: Council Floor
Topic: Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 7
Views: 3912

Re: Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

I am offering an amendment, which includes the following: 1: Remove Part 4, Section II "Helping a society escape the negative consequences of their own actions." 2: Add a part in Section IV which will be as follows: 5: Reffering to Part 6, Section II "Intefering in the internal affairs of another s...
by Vedek Tabor
13 Nov 2020, 13:25
Forum: Council Floor
Topic: Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 7
Views: 3912

Re: Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

(OOC: Apologies, should be 1 week not 72 hours.)
by Vedek Tabor
12 Nov 2020, 02:54
Forum: Council Floor
Topic: Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 7
Views: 3912

Debate: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

Councilors, I hereby bring up the following bill for a hearing before the Council. No less than 1 week for debate and consideration of amendments. Temporal and Cultural Non-Interference Bill Counselor Kalix of Trill submits: A bill where a Non-Interference Law similar to Starfleet General Order 1 w...
by Vedek Tabor
29 Oct 2020, 18:39
Forum: Federation Economic & Social Council
Topic: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 15
Views: 6562

Re: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

With the amendment accepted as friendly by the author, I will considered it incorporated in the bill. All time for debate has now expired. The Committee will now vote on whether or not to report the bill to the floor for consideration by the whole Council. No less than 72 hours for a vote.
by Vedek Tabor
28 Oct 2020, 22:22
Forum: Federation Economic & Social Council
Topic: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 15
Views: 6562

Re: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

The bill was not previously amended due to an objection lodged from the Councilor from Delta. I recognize the amendment that has just now been put forward by the Councilor of Delta. I will ask the author of the bill if he will accept it as friendly and, if so, it will be added to the bill.
by Vedek Tabor
28 Oct 2020, 13:29
Forum: Federation Economic & Social Council
Topic: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 15
Views: 6562

Re: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

When you claim a privilege for yourself, but deny it a member of the other party, the matter of partisanship become a matter of fact. Councilor, Only members of the committee can propose amendments unless unanimous consent is adopted. I would sign an executive order today to add the Councilor from ...
by Vedek Tabor
27 Oct 2020, 20:08
Forum: Federation Economic & Social Council
Topic: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill
Replies: 15
Views: 6562

Re: Hearing: Temporal, Cultural and Societal Non-Interference Bill

The objection is heard. Councilor, since you are not a member of the sub-council and Councilor Idris has objected to a request to suspend the rules to allow you offering amendments to your bill in the sub-council, I regret that they cannot be considered. The Counselor from Delta is called to order ...